On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 10:24:06AM +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
> Sven Hoexter wrote:

Hello Georg,

Wow that's a fast reply :)

> > I contacted Erinn Clark yesterday (she's listed in the pkg-lyx[1] project
> > on alioth.debian.org) and she told me that the package is in an orphaned
> > state but just not marked beeing O. The other former maintainer, Rob Weir,
> > is MIA.
> What is MIA?
Missing in action, he's not reachable and does not fix bugs.

> > - The /debian/ subdir from 1.3.6 seems to be in a good shape and is using
> > dpatch so
> >   I will stay with it. There are some fix me notes in the rules file but
> >   that should not matter for the moment.
> The 1.3.6 debian subdir needs some more fixes for 1.4.x. I did those, and
> you can see the result at http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXOnDebian#toc6. Note
> that small tweaks are needed for 1.4.2svn, I can provide an update if
> needed.
Ah ok. How far is 1.4.2 from beeing released? I would like to stay with the
final releases.

> > - I've read something about a gtk frontend and found it in the Lyx source
> > but there is
> >   no configure option for it and it's not mentioned in the README/INSTALL
> >   files. What's that? How can we use it? Is it alpha stuff you should not
> >   use? Would be cool if someone could enlight me what's that all about.
> It is not documented because it is experimental and not ready for use.
Ok so I count that as not relevant for the moment so that the debian package
will stay with the qt and xforms frontend. Or is xforms finaly deprecated now?
> > - Is there a DD out in the wild internet willing to sponsor a new Lyx
> > package?
> That is the biggest problem. I suggest you find somebody who is willing to
> do that before doing anything else, because we have enough unofficial
> packages already.
Well my intention is definetly not to prepare another package which will
finaly end in /dev/null. I'm quite optimistic to find someone who is
willing to sponsor it.

> Maybe it would help if Erinn Clark orphaned the package
> officially.
To my experience not realy.

If you won't forgive me the rest of my life
Let me apologize while I'm still alive
I know it's time to face all of my past mistakes
  [Less than Jake - Rest Of My Life]

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