On 7/20/07, Charles de Miramon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lyx Physicst wrote:

> Hi all, Im trying to tweak a few things in my Table of contents. 1) I
> to change how Lyx makes all new sections(ie chapter, list of tables,
> of
> figures, etc)  in bold font and the corresponding listed page number is
> bold as well.  I need to make the whole thing in normal font.   2) I
> to have the dots that go from section to page number ie:
> 1.1Background................... 1
> Apply to all items in the table of contents.  Right now, the main
> titles do not have these dots, nor do items such as list of tables, list
> of
> figures etc.  Only subsections within each chapter have them, and I need
> to
> include them for all entries.  3) Finally, I need to change the title to
> Table of Contents, not contents
> I am using Lyx 1.44 on a mac with the report class.  Thanks,
> Charles

Over use of dotted lines is very ugly and a bad habit left from MsWord.

You seem to be a tweaker and you should borrow / buy the LaTeX Companion.
is a big expensive book but a good investment.


Charles, I agree that is ugly and if it were up to me I wouldnt use it.
But the editors at my graduate school are making me change the default Lyx
format to their standards and that uses dots for all the sections....  All
of these changes are their doing, not mine.  I think it looks great as is...

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