On 7/20/07, Lyx Physicst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/20/07, Bob Lounsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/20/07, Lyx Physicst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I don't know the reason, but you can add the Table of Contents, List
> > > of Figures, List of Figures, and BibTeX bibliography to the Table of
> > > contents using
> > >
> > > \usepackage{tocbibind}
> > >
> > > in the preamble. Or if you just want to add one or the other then you
> > add
> > >
> > > \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
> > >
> > > next to the List of Figures callout in ERT.
> > >
> > > Bob
> > >
> >
> > So I did that, and it worked.  But now my page numbers are off... For
> > first sections(acknowlegments, list of tables, list of figures,
> > abbreviations, etc) I have roman numerals counting.  Then the counter
> > at 1 once the text of Chapter one starts.  Well now my roman numerals
> > off by one page.  It says the LOT starts at vi, but it really starts at
> > and so all the other ones are off by one... Is this due to the tocloft
> > package?
> I'm not following. Have you separated your addcontentsline commands?
> Here's an example as you've described number acknowledgments, lof, and
> lot in roman and the chapter 1 in arabic. There is no page number
> issue.
> Bob

Yes, your sample is correct in how I would like it.  But, my TOC is two
pages long, so the counter "skips" the second page of the TOC and labels it
as the first page of the LOT(the next section)  So my TOC is on page v and
vi, and the LOT starts at vii, but is being listed as starting at vi.  I
hope I explained it better..

That makes sense, but I can't reproduce it. I added chapters and
sections such that the TOC was two pages long and the numbering was
still correct. Something else must be going on or conflicting. Maybe,
you could send a minimal example.


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