On Saturday, 18. August 2007 11:42 Joost Verburg wrote:

thanks a lot, Joost, for your immediate help.

> It looks like you have quite some old Aspell files on your computer.
I do not think so. I had installed the current version of Aspell for Windows 
as it is said by GNU.. 

> LyX 
> does not install command line Aspell binaries but installs Aspell data
> files and dictionaries in "Documents and Settings".
Yes, but *where* exaclty? E.g. if I made an installation *only* for me, it is 
my own Directory in *Directory Settings*, right? Or is it the *root* 
directory of *Documents Settings*? 

> Please go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and uninstall anything
> related to Aspell 
Yes, I did it four times. You cannot uninstall Aspell totally by this way. 
Therefore I deleted some remainigs by hand. I uninstalled the *whole* 
components of the LyX bundle as well. And I tested, if the files have really 
vanished before I started  the next installation. 

> and then install LyX and the dictionaries again.
I installed first the bundle for only one user, without making a cross for the 
dictiionary, because I want to install it *afterwards*. I got from GNU the 
package From GNU I got the package Aspell-de-0.50-2-3, which contains the 
dictionaries, that arede.multi, de_DE-only.rws, deutsch.aias, de_DE.multi, 
german.alias and some Swiss Packages in directory dict and de and de_phonet 
in directory data. These directories are installed in a directory called 
TmpInstall, and sureley I have to copy it. But where is the *correct* place 
in *Document Settings*? 

Since I am preparing al LyX-CD for czech pupils, I do not want to urge them, 
downloading a file from the net without knowing anything about the origin (As 
I told you, yesterday I got a *suspicous* version of the dictionary by a 
German server in Berlin*. And if you want to install an additional dictionary 
for another language, you must know these steps in any case. So, please: 
Where do I have to put the dicts *exacly* and which files? I do not think 
that all of them are necessary. There is no help in the package to figure 

I did not install aspell itself. As you said, this is not necessary. 

> You  
> don't need to install anything else.
Hopefully not. But I do not htink so. The problem remains  the same. And still 
it is top secret what lyx really does while invoking aspell.
> Note that an installation of Aspell for your own user account gets
> priority over the system-wide version. 
Yes, I read your replies to the same problem several days ago. But I tried a 
lot of possibilities. With and without aspell. Nothing works. 

> So if you installed dictionaries 
> for all users but still have a private copy of Aspell with it's own
> dictionaries, the dictionaries of the system-wide version will not be used.
I installed it only for my own now. But the problem ist the same. Where does 
LyX search for the dicts?

Regards Heiko

> Joost

Heiko Schroeder
Praha, Ceska Republica

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