
I have a simple question. I am a newbie to LaTeX and LyX, but I am eager to learn. I downloaded the latest LyxWinInstaller (complete) and attempted to install on a WinXP machine (fairly new, plenty or memory and speed, etc.). At a couple points in the installation a DOS window popped up, did something that seemed to take only a short time, but then stayed there and wouldn't close. The installer was halted during this time. For each window I just waited a while and then closed it. The installer continued and all seemed fine. However, virtually nothing in LyX would work when it was all said and done. Can someone provide guidance about those pop-up DOS windows and what I should do? Everything else went very smoothly and seemed OK, so I assume the problem was there.

Dave Hewitt

Dave Hewitt
Fisheries Science/Crustacean Ecology
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
College of William and Mary
P.O. Box 1346
Gloucester Point, VA  23062

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