On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 10:48:18PM +0200, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Andre Poenitz schrieb:
> >Since the installer fight showed his ugly head recently I think I might
> >mention my opinion on such behaviour: Waiting 25 minutes for something
> >that I don't need is a bit beyond my expectation even of a 'complete
> >install'. Can't this 'LaTeX package search' thing not somehow happen in
> >the background?
> It can. But currently this is done while configuring LyX, this is 
> independent from the installer you use.

Maybe the LyX configuration nis doing too much then.

> I see no probblem here, because the console Window shows you the progress 
> and afterwards the user has a feature complete and working installation

Putting on that dusty hat of a snobbish Windows user:

  I'd wet my pants for seeing Clippit swamping me with multimedia ads
  during installation, but I do not want to see any black Windows during
  any kind of installiation. 'Consoles' do not exist. If I see one, I call
  the administrator to kill it.

> And no, you need these packages, otherwise many features of LyX are not 
> usable. (take for example formal tables, instant preview, show changes in 
> output, etc.)

Why not bundle the packages we are actively supporting?


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