Do you mean that when the eps is displayed in LyX is not clipped, as it would happen if it was opened with Gsview? In my machine I can see the clipped figure both in LyX and in the generated pdf/ps/dvi.
I have LyX 1.5.5, ImageMagick-6.2.7-Q16, AFPL Ghostscript 8.14 and GSview 4.6.


Mukhtar Ullah wrote:
Dear Tom,
I checked your figures in LyX and could verify your problem. It seems that
imagemagick is culprit. I converted your eps files to pdf and included that in
LyX. That was shown perfectly clipped. So you could consider switchin gto
pdflatex, converting all your eps files by a script using epstopdf command from
MiKTeX. That, ofcourse, will only be possible if you are not using pstricks.


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