Well, it seems that I have a lucky configuration/installation in my machine. As I already said, I have LyX 1.5.5, ImageMagick-6.2.7-Q16, AFPL Ghostscript 8.14 and GSview 4.6, Miktex 2.7 and Acrobat Reader 7. For me, all images except dummy_bbget_gs862.eps (which GsView reports errors when trying to open it) are correctly visualized in LyX and in pdf, with and w/o the clipping option selected.

Could someone explain what LyX really does when the cclipping option is 


Olivier Ripoll wrote:

I tried your eps files in LyX 1.6 beta3 under windows XP. I use Adobe reader 8 for pdf (generated by pdflatex IIRC) and gsview 4.9 / ghostscript 8.62 for postscript viewing. It does work better for me that for you it seems (you may suffer from an outdated/buggy imagemagick). I tried the images without checking the option to clip to the bounding box, and with it (ion that case, also with clicking on the button to get the size from the file).

Tom Schlangen wrote:
Okay, I have prepared some files to illustrate the problem, so other have a chance to verify. Output from bbget, using esp-gs v7.70.x: http://www.ines.mynetcologne.de/dummy_bbget_espgs770.eps (64k) (works!)

displays fine in LyX with or without the clipping options
pdf/ps/dvi output is fine

Output from bbget, using gs v8.62:
http://www.ines.mynetcologne.de/dummy_bbget_gs862.eps (64k) (doesn´t work)

gsview 4.9 cannot even open this file... it reports errors.
displays wrong in LyX with and without the clipping options. LyX cannot actually read the bounding box at all. does not display in pdf (blank pages), result in errors in gsview and dvi viewer.

Output from gsview v4.7, using option PS to EPS, also checkmarked "Automatically calculate Baounding Box". BTW, using gsview v4.9 gives the same result.
http://www.ines.mynetcologne.de/dummy_gsview47.eps (64k) (doesn´t work)
displays wrong (full page) in LyX with or without the clipping options
pdf/ps/dvi is fine though

Output from ps2eps v1.64 utility, parameters as suggested by http://www.tm.uka.de/~bless/ps2eps.html:
http://www.ines.mynetcologne.de/dummy_ps2eps164.eps (64k) (doesn´t work)
displays wrong (full page) in LyX without the clipping options and fine with it.
ps/dvi are correct
pdf is correct without the clipping option, but the figure is missing when using the clipping option (yep... it works without and _not_ with).

Now, I do not really understand why you need such a complex workflow. Why do you need to go in Linux ?
I did the following in Windows (one line, mail agent may wrap it):

gswin32c -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dEPSCrop -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=dummy2.eps dummy.eps

(You need to have gs in your path)

The resulting image displays fine in LyX with or without the clipping options, and ps/pdf/dvi is fine also.

So my conclusion is : don't care about what LyX displays, care about the final result, and most encapsulated postscripts (eps) are fine there.
And also, use ghostscript 8.62 on windows.


Tom Schlangen



PS: personally, I use pdf instead of eps: it takes less disc space, you can edit easily with inkscape, everyone can view them, and last but not least, it is the base format for pdf(La)TeX which is nicer (pdf bookmarks).

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