Álvaro Manuel Recio Pérez wrote:

Program listing insets doesn't follow the same rules. Paragraphs after listing insets are indented even if they are conceptually identical to the LyX-Code environment. My questions are: Why does this happen? And, is there a way to globally prevent the indentation of paragraphs following listing insets?

I think it's a consequence of LyX setting the input encoding to latin1 (and surrounding the listing with \begingroup ... \endgroup). There's something in the manual for the listings package that says that the package can't cope with multibyte character encodings (other than in comments). Goofy encodings confuse me, so I can sympathize if they confusing the listings package. Still, am I right that forcing latin1 in the listings environment means that you cannot in fact put, say, CJK characters in a comment that escapes to LaTeX? Seems a bit restrictive.

Maybe you should open a bugzilla entry about this.


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