Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> The listings package does not require or force the \begingroup +
> \inputencoding{latin1} + \endgroup commands, nor the two blank lines.
> The blank lines are purely LyX.  

These mark a new paragraph. They are not inserted if you ommit a paragraph 
break after the listings inset. So the lines are correct, AFAICS.
But I see now that the \endgroup tag indeed makes a difference.

> It seems to me that there has already 
> been discussion elsewhere of situations in which LyX inserts unwanted
> blank lines.  

This was something different (and is fixed in 1.6; I did not fix it in 1.5.x, 
because it might have unwanted side effects)

> As far as the input encoding goes, my guess is that 
> whoever coded the listings support put this in to prevent the user from
> accidentally blowing up the package by using a multibyte encoding.
> However, as I mentioned above, the package specifically provides an
> escape-to-LaTeX mechanism that allows the user to insert text from other
> encodings.  This presumably would be blocked by the current LyX
> implementation (although I'm not the person to test this, since I'm
> blissfully ignorant about non-Latin encodings).

The problem is that the listings package cannot deal with unicode or any other 
multibyte encoding (such as some CJK encodings); the listings parser simply 
is not ready for that, and unfortunately, it's also not maintained currently. 
Heiko Oberdiek has written a listingsutf8 extension package, but this only 
fixes the encoding of lstinputlisting). So the reason for the brute-force 
encoding switch is a fundamental limitation of the listings package.

However, I agree the encoding switch is a hack, and we should at least limit 
the hack to the case where it is needed, i.e. only switch to latin1 if we 
actually are in a multibyte encoding.

> So fundamentally, I think, it's a question of whether protecting the
> user from himself on the encoding issue is worth the price.

Suggestions are welcome. But they have to work in any encoding.


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