On Saturday 19 July 2008 19:57, Typhoon wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > This is by far the best solution, in my opinion.
> >
> > Unfortunately for me, my only Windows machine is a 1997 Pentium
> > II/300 with 128MB of RAM, which would be painfully slow.
> Steve,
> What happens if you import the RTF file into OO and then follow the
> procedures suggested?

I don't know. I don't trust OO Writer as far as I can throw my house. OO 
Writer's not touching my book.

About 2 years ago, during one of my occasional "I'm mad at LyX" months, I 
evaluated OO Writer as book writing software. What I would have lost in 
typeset quality, I hoped to gain in faster creation of styles. However, OO 
Writer kept changing styles all by itself. It was one of the most 
untrustworthy pieces of software I've ever seen. That gave me an incentive to 
learn a lot more about LyX style creation.

Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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