muzzle wrote:
Now it works, the only minor problem is that the button has no icon,
but a long label.

I am not sure if this is hardcoded, but try the following:
Look in LyX's "images" folder, there is e.g. a file buffer-view_pdf2.png
Make a copy of it and call it buffer-view_pdf3.png in the same directory. Maybe LyX picks it up. Maybe it can also live in ~/.lyx/images

You can FIRST try to directly change the files in the, and if that
works, migrate the changed files into the user-dir and restore the original (otherwise you will loose them again with the next update)

I'm using linux, so I would rather not modify a system file. I will
just keep the copy of the modified interface files in my users
preferences folder (~/.lyx/)

This is much better, of course. But keep in mind that with new versions these files do NOT get updated automatically, so you won't inherit any changes.


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