Hi all,

Today for the first time I was able to incorporate an SVG image into a LyX 
drawing. I'm using LyX 1.5.6. Developers -- thank you so much!

I'm using Inkscape drawings. It appears that the first Inkscape drawing I 
insert adds 50K to 70K. The next one adds about 15K, so it looks like over 
the course of the book it will be fairly efficient. Does this agree with 
LyX's design criteria for SVG files?

I notice that every time I change a graphic in Inkscape, the LyX produced PDF 
gets bigger. This happens even if I use Inkscape's "vacuum defs". Does this 
sound normal?

Any other words of wisdom for using .svg files?

Once again -- Developers: THANK YOU for enabling the insertion of SVG 
drawings. What an easier life it makes for me.


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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