On Saturday 20 December 2008 12:30:17 pm Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> Today for the first time I was able to incorporate an SVG image into a LyX
> drawing. I'm using LyX 1.5.6. Developers -- thank you so much!

I meant a LyX doc.

Anyway, yesterday I noticed that my .svg graphic pixellated when the resulting 
pdf  was viewed at anything besides 100%. The text in the graphic (it was a 
diagram) was hard to read even though it was big enough.

So I converted the svg to a .pdf and included the .pdf in the LyX diagram, and 
the resulting document .pdf looked good at any magnification.

The following is my script for converting a dia diagram into a pdf suitable 
for incorporation into a LyX doc:

gname=`echo $dianame | sed -e "s/\..*$//"`
echo Converting $dianame to $pdfname
inkscape --export-embed-fonts --export-pdf=$pdfname $dianame
acroread $pdfname


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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