I tried lyx after some long time again found lyx on an up to date level compared to former versions - thanks to the developers!

Something that did not following common logik in the past and actually as well is the handling of whitespace always following any punctuation mark like .,;:--?!]}) etc. You easily can miss it and lyx does not care about.

I think, that under all normal circumstances any punctuation mark MUST
be followed by a whitespace and I think it would be a good idea to let
that check and make lyx if one forgets it. Such an intelligent feature is comparable to the deletion of more than one whitespaces between two words, where lyx takes care and a correction.

There are some cases where a point will not be followed by whitespace,
for instance the point operator in Java that separates objectnames from
methods and may be there are some more. So, anyway it should be possible to eliminate whitespaces for special purposes. But the default should be a single whitepace following any punctuation mark.

I actually downloaded the source of lyx, but as I am not familiar with
the source I do not believe that I can find the point of entry for such
a change to experiment with. May be there is someone more skilled than I am and interested to give such a feature a try?

Best regards


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