Dear listmembers,
in the meantime I created some icons for my purpose and have been putting them 
in the  directory /usr/share/lyx/images.

From the file I know (theoretically) that the naming 
convention for the files ought to be


following this strategy based on i.e.
"Align left" "paragraph-params \align left"

I would follow that <action> is "paragraph-params" and <parameter> is "\align 

So the filename ought to be

"paragraph-params_\align left.png"

which I can create. However, the debug mode (I tried -dbg 8 and "full" dbg, 
what is nonsense in this case) tells me:

GuiApplication.cpp(347): Cannot find icon for command "paragraph-params(\align 

but it unfortunately does not tell me the name of the game i. e. the actual 
filename it is heading for. I have been playing around with the names, 
modifiying to many versions, however, the only thing that actually works is


but that would consequently assign the very same icon to all the four  
variants of the command, because it references the action only but not the 
parameter, what is not what I would require. My c++ knowledge is not 
sufficient to parse the source-code in this regard, so any help for me again? 
IMHO it would be a "help to help yourself" if the debug message would be 
clearer and add the name of the game to the output-message, too.

Well, and re-reading Vincent's email shows clearly that as "\" is not allowed 
in a filename my concept cannot work in this way.

Thank you very much,
take care

Dieter Jurzitza


                 /\_/\           |
                | ~x~ |/-----\   /
                 \   /-       \_/
  ^^__   _        /  _  ____   /
 <°°__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
  ||  ||         _| _|    _| _|

if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)
-----------------------------------------------------------Am Donnerstag, 1. 
Januar 2009 16:40:49 schrieb Vincent van Ravesteijn:
> > Well, lazy me, what I would like to see are three little symbols for
> > flush-right, flush-left or center on the top-level menu bar that help me
> > avoid diving into a submenu in order to achieve this.
> I don't have a "red robe or a long white beard", so if you still want to
> have the four (you need justified too) items in a toolbar, you can try
> the following:
> Add to Resources\ui\ the following lines (after Item
> "Thesaurus" "thesaurus-entry"):
>         Separator
>         Item "Align justified" "paragraph-params \align block"
>         Item "Align left" "paragraph-params \align left"
>         Item "Align center" "paragraph-params \align center"
>         Item "Align right" "paragraph-params \align right"
> One problem: I don't know how to define the icons for the functions (the
> \ is not allowed in a filename). It works though.
> Vincent

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