Dear List,

whenever I load a file that loads the following package, I get a
popup-window warning me that I am missing a package:

  Das Modul fancybreak benötigt ein Paket, das in
  Ihrer LaTeX-Installation nicht enthalten ist.
  LaTeX wird wahrscheinlich keine Ausgabe erzeugen.

Luckily, LaTeX does produce an output file, but the multiple warnings (when
opening a project with several children using the module) are still annoying.

What am I doing wrong?

LyX 1.6.2 on Linux.


#Define FancyBreak style for "breaks" or "transitions" between paragraphs.
#Separate pragraphs with some ornaments or simple vertical space.
#This is usually used for gaps in the narrative (also called a "transition"), 
#e.g. love scenes left out in older novels
#or to start a new section without a section header
#(also called an "anonymous section").

# Author: Günter Milde <>

Format 11

# Modelled after the fancybreak in the memoir LaTeX document class.
# Changes: no starred version, 1/2 baselineskip above and below.

Style FancyBreak
        LatexName       fancybreak
        LatexType       command
        ParSep          1
        NextNoIndent    1
        KeepEmpty       1                    # allow for plain break
        Align           Center
        AlignPossible   Center
        LabelString     "break"
        LeftMargin      "break"
        LabelType       Static
        LabelSep        x
          Series        Medium
          Shape         Italic
          Size          Small
          Color         magenta
                \penalty -100
                \vskip 0.5\baselineskip
                \noindent\parbox{\linewidth}{\centering #1}\null
                \penalty -20
              %%  \vskip -\onelineskip
                \vskip 0.5\baselineskip

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