Alex M wrote:

I would like to share my experience with solving very frustrating problem with typing in lyx 1.6.x under Ubuntu 9.04. Maybe this will help someone else or even lead to a fix in a next lyx version.

Recently I've upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04. After that, I could not continue my work in lyx 1.6.2. When typing, I experienced a very large delay (like seconds) before all symbols would appear on screen. I read through all posts in lyx mailing list with similar symptoms (just 2 or 3). The only solution there that worked was to buy a new video card.

What I've done next:

1) Installed lyx 1.6.0 - the same typing delay. Installed lyx 1.5.7 - no typing delays. Returned back to lyx 1.6.2.

2) Looked at the CPU utilization. When typing, Xorg ate up to 50% CPU.
Then I resized lyx window to be smaller. CPU utilization fall down, and typing delay decreased. I resized lyx to be 25% of the screen - typing delay almost disappeared.

3) I looked which video card I have (lspci |grep Display) - Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) I googled for problems with Intel graphics under Ubuntu 9, and found this link useful:

4) I tried different solutions from the link above and mostly got my X broken or no effect. Finally this one worked for me:

- open xorg.conf (sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf)
- go to section "Device", mine was
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
- add Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" so the section looks now like this
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"
        Option          "MigrationHeuristic"          "greedy"
- restart X or reboot.

Now I have almost no typing delays in lyx 1.6.2 (at least, typing speed is the same as in lyx 1.5.7 on my PC).

This is worth posting to the wiki, if you're so inclined.


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