Ken wrote:

That's a fantastic new discovery of a further LyX feature.  As for
making it more useful, perhaps LyX needs some buttons in the math
toolbar for Octave or Maxima or a way of customizing some new buttons
to run the Edit->Math->CAS options.

That's actually easy: here is how to get the Maxima action in the context menu:

0- close lyx if opened

1- Copy the "" file found in the common "ui" folder of LyX.
On windows, it is
"C:\Program Files\LyX 1.6.4\Resources\ui", on linux, I'd expect it to be somewhere in "/usr/share"

2- Paste this file in your own "ui" folder.
On windows, it is in
"C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\lyx16\ui"

3- with a decent text editor (accepting unix LF), find the
'Menu "context-math"' section, and at the end (after line 75, before the 'End'), add the following 2 lines (the second is taken from the "edit_math_extern" section of file '', if you wonder how to add Octave, Maple, etc.)
                Item "Maxima|M" "math-extern maxima"

4- save, restart lyx

Best regards,


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