On Wednesday 12 October 2011 18:16:29 Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 19.09.2011 11:09, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> > I wanted to look at the pdf file of the Math-Help-File of Lyx 2.0.1
> > but get this error:
> > 
> > ! LaTeX Error: File `mathdots.sty' not found.
> > 
> > How do I proceed?
> Remove the complete table row whose first cell is \iddots.
> Does the file then compile or do you get further errors?
> thanks and regards
> Uwe

I copied math.lyx to my home/Desktop to be able to handle it and checked 
the table. Since I did not find in lyx the row you mentioned I tried to 
export it to math.tex but get

Das Kopieren von 
subscript.eps nach [images/math-subscript.eps] ist fehlgeschlagen.
(apparently I have to copy also an eps file)

I took therefore the whole table out and get this:

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)
so the answer to your question:
> Does the file then compile or do you get further errors?
is yes


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