On Sunday 16 October 2011 06:06:02 Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 14.10.2011 08:19, schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> > I copied math.lyx to my home/Desktop to be able to handle it and
> > checked the table. Since I did not find in lyx the row you mentioned
> Just search in the LyX file for the term "\iddots" and you will find
> that it is the second to last row in the table of sec. 3.9.

sorry, Uwe, I missed that. Now I have removed it, but get still an error:

mhchem.sty not found
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

I searched for
in the preamble with no success

I see at the begin of the math file
Eine Ausnahme ist mhchem; wenn es nicht installiert ist, kann dieses 
Dokument nicht exportiert werden.

sollten die LaTeX-Pakete braket, cancel, eurosym, mhchem und was 
installiert sein.

Not sure what this means exactly: does lyx not find the mhchem or is it 
completely missing. I thought texlive 2010 takes care of the package. Will 
check for it tomorrow



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