Guenter Milde wrote:

> I just checked with 1.6.7 - indeed the extension is gone.

This is done on purpose. The reason for this is to make the exported LaTeX 
file as versatile as possible. This way, you can use the same .tex file with 
pdflatex and latex (unless you include other stuff that works with one 
version only), as long as you ensure that both .eps and .pdf/.png/.jpg 
versions of the images exist.

> I thought it was kept some time (maybe years) ago.
> IMV it's worth a feature request as
> * there are cases where the author is smarter than her/his computer,
> * it is easy to get the automatic selection by just leaving off the
> extension.

No, this does not work. LyX needs to know _exactly_ which image is the 
source. This was indeed different many years ago, but that lead to all sorts 
of problems, so I reworked it (ca. for 1.3 or 1.4).

If the default behaviour does not fit your special needs, you can always 
write an external template, as suggested already. Another option would be to 
write a copier for the latex format, which adds the extension for all 
\includegraphics commands. If you don't know hat a copier is, read 
Customization.lyx. The advantage of this solution is that it works with all 
documents, not just the ones that use a special template.


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