To locate the source of such problems, I export the file to latex and manually 
compile it to latex in a terminal (or command window in Windows). The 
compilation will give you a line number. You can open the latex file in a 
simple text editor and go to the line to have an idea of the part of the 
document that poses problem. 

Murat Yildizoglu

Le 6 janv. 2012 à 03:07, "David L. Johnson" <> a écrit :

> On 01/05/2012 06:43 PM, Gerry Clare wrote:
>> I am a fairly new LyX user. I recently edited a chapter (Document class 
>> 'report') that I had previously had no trouble compiling. I now get the 
>> following errors:
>> ! Missing $ inserted.
>> ! Extra }, or forgotten $.
>> ! LaTeX Error: Command \item invalid in math mode.
>> ! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
>> ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
> Many of these sorts of errors occur because of a mistaken environment 
> setting.  For example, if you accidentally have a whole bunch of stuff 
> included in a "heading" type environment, it can mess things up badly.  Of 
> course, if you have some ERT included, you might have a problem there, too.  
> LyX is really quite good at writing tex that actually compiles, so if it 
> doesn't, there is usually some sort of unnoticed mistake somewhere.
> The previous suggestion is a good one, though.  Break the file up (after 
> saving it) into pieces to see in which piece the problem lies.  If you still 
> can't isolate it, put the smallest bad chunk of the document on the list, and 
> I'll take a  look at it.
> -- 
> David L. Johnson
> The lottery is a tax on those who fail to understand mathematics.

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