Am 10.01.2012 um 00:28 schrieb Jerry:

> It looks like it's about time to wrap up this thread.
> It has been a good exchange and I believe that the developers have been 
> helpful and suitably notified.
> If someone thinks it is better to file a formal bug report, please let me 
> know.

I think it's not needed. In case you want to, please, verify these tickets 

> I will summarize for myself by saying that, even though I am still in 
> evaluation mode with LyX and haven't used it for an extended period of time, 
> I estimate that the scrolling behavior with a recent version of 2.1svn, with 
> \force_paint_single_char false
> added to the preferences file *, would not cause undue scrolling fatigue or 
> aggravation with extended use. However, this combination does result in a 
> misplaced cursor at times.
> Thanks everyone.
> Jerry
> * Although this is the line that I recall pasting into Preferences, the line 
> that is there now is
> \force_paint_single_char "0". Maybe the program changed it. In any case, 
> changing "0" to "1" degrades scrolling substantially and does not misplace 
> the cursor.

Yes, it's "simplified" by the program. 


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