On Feb 13, 2012, at 9:16 AM, stefano franchi wrote:

> you may have to check the encoding of your lyx file. If you use XeTeX
> compilation (or LuaTeX, for that mater) the file should be in Unicode.
> It looks like it isn't. Be sure:
> 1. that Scrivener-generated LateX code is in Unicode encoding (it may
> be an option---LaTex was unable to read unicode until recently.

Thanks, Stefano. I'm still waiting on a response from the Scrivener listserv.

> 2. That Lyx properly treats the file as Unicode-encoded. IT should do
> so automatically, but just to be on the safe side,go to
> Document>>Settings>>Language  under "Encoding" select the radio button
> "Other" and from the drop-down list next to it choose *Unicode (XeTeX)
> (UTF8)"

I made this change and tried compiling with XeTeX and LuaTeX. Still getting the 
weird substitutions. Tried quitting LyX and compiling again with the same 

Is it possible that I will need to reimport the tex output from Scrivener?

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

"Imagining the other is a powerful antidote to fanaticism and hatred." 

- Amos Oz

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