On 14. feb. 2012 13:04, Eric Weir wrote:

On Feb 14, 2012, at 2:01 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
with TeX), or MS Word documents for journals and proceedings. I have
experienced that some of these journals and proceedings were in fact
produced with TeX in the end, but even then they have not accepted TeX
file as input from me, simply because the editors and reviewers don't
know how to deal with that format.

How do you deal with this?

I sent my editor/proofreader a PDF. She printed it and mailed back
the printed pages, with every change indicated in pen.

Basically, the oldfashioned way that works with everything: hand- and typewritten manuscripts, as well as stuff written in mysterious unknown software. :-)

Editors have a whole system of notation for this sort of work. Quick for them to write, and it is easy to understand without training. Slashes over stuff to remove, arrows for moving, alternative words/spelling in the margin . . .

Not having the editor edit my text directly was an advantage. Editors make mistakes too, especially when they don't know all the jargon. This way, I did not have to watch for such errors. I simply avoided them when implementing the changes, and told them why on the next iteration.

Helge Hafting

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