On 03/30/2012 11:27 PM, Xi Zhang wrote:
Finally, I realized part of function that I want, though not satisfactorily.

I found that a pdf file in a temp folder is updated very time I pdflatex. Say,
C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\lyx_tmpdir.Hp2836\lyx_tmpbuf2. Every time
pdflatex open the viewer, it opens the this file.

Thus the viewer for pdflatex is defined as SumatraView.bat, which is

start "" /D "%~dp1" /B "SumatraPDF.exe" -reuse-instance -inverse-
search "lyxeditor.exe %%f %%l" %~nx1
copy %~1 D:\Dropbox\PDFs /Y

The first line are openning the pdfviewer and passing inverse search

The second copies the file from the temporary folder to the Dropbox folder.

Everytime I pdflatex, the PDF is copied to the specified folder.

However, there is one more thing I would like to do: instead of putting it in
a specific folder, I have the PDF file be put in the same folder as the lyx
file is.

I have checked that when pdflated run the pdf viewer, only the path of the
temporary file is passed to SumatraView.bat.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get the path of the lyx file?

The exporter does not get that information, only a copier.


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