On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 11:22 AM, Graham Smith <myotis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This happens to me occasionally, when I try and open an old lyx file
> (usually about 11 months old as its always revising lecture/tutorials for
> the current year).
I cannot open it either, with latest trunk. And this is odd, and
shouldn't be happening. The file is somehow corrupted, as I cannot
open it in a plain text editor to see the markup contents. If I do
root@liv-laptop:/tmp# less Phase1_Tutorial.lyx
"Phase1_Tutorial.lyx" may be a binary file.  See it anyway?

and this ends up showing a binary blob. If I do this however:
root@liv-laptop:/tmp# head Phase1_Tutorial.lyx

\begin_layout Standard
Additionally to get the map to exactly fill the bounding box as you want
 it, you can adjust the scale under the item tab to the right, when the
 map box is selected.
 It will probably be at someting like 7000, by reducing and increasing this
 number the map will get larger or smaller.

I see the text contents of the file. Using 'cat' will yield something similar.

That's odd. The first question that pops to mind: Do you use the
Document > Compressed option? Maybe this corrupts things.


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