On 22/01/13 05:03, Jerry wrote:

On Jan 18, 2013, at 1:44 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

On 18/01/13 09:10, Rainer M Krug wrote:
On 18/01/13 05:17, Jerry wrote:

On Jan 17, 2013, at 2:30 AM, Alex Fernandez wrote:

Hi Jerry,

I am the primary author of eLyXer.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:49 AM, Jerry <lancebo...@qwest.net
<mailto:lancebo...@qwest.net>> wrote:

Thanks for that tip. I checked it out. It's just a Python thing so it works 
fine on OS
X, and LyX picked it up as advertised.

Yes, I can confirm that OS X is fully supported.

The output on my simple test case does look nice in a browser, but I get the 
same error
opening with Word as I first described: "The XML file bla bla bla cannot be 
etc. I thought maybe my copy of Word was broken but it reads other HTML files 
guessing they don't have the XML stuff in them, however.

Word does not like XHTML very much; you need to export to HTML 4, using the 
option. http://elyxer.nongnu.org/userguide.html#sub:HTML-Code If you are doing 
conversion inside LyX, instead of on the command line, you have to add the 
--html in the
conversion interface.

I checked the HTML file that eLyXer made with the W3C page and got: "The 
document "-" was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional."

Yes, eLyXer outputs pure XHTML.

Also--eLyXer does not appear to use MathML so I don't think there is any hope 
of getting
editable math into Word using this method. (But I haven't read all of the 
eLyXer docs.)

eLyXer has several options for Math output:
http://elyxer.nongnu.org/userguide.html#sub:Math Sadly, none of them is MathML, 
since at
the time eLyXer was conceived it was not very widely supported, and I have not 
found the
time to add it.

Hope this helps,

Alex Fernández.

Hi, Alex,

Thanks for the comments and for the great tool. It does what it claims to to, 
convert LyX
to HTML, with lots of math options. The default conversion looks great in a 

I tried your --html suggestion and indeed Word opens it, and displays it much 
as a browser
does. Unfortunately, the HTML limitations are apparent; this is probably as 
good as a
HTML-only conversion can get.

In my slow-witted way, I'm starting to understand why Word will not open the 
various XML
formats that I'm throwing at it. (I also played with TeXht today (and the Mac 
GUI over it,
SimpleTeXht. This method also makes XML in some variations, and .odt.) So Word 
broken—it's just not made to recognize this particular kind of XML. (I want to 
use the
word "schema" but don't really know what I'm talking about.) So What is 
missing, as has
been stated in previous threads, is a converter from the XML that we're seeing 
to .docx,
it seems.

check pandoc - I am using pandoc to convert xhtml to docx and odt - works 
perfect for me. I

Ups - should have been: ### I just added the following converter:

\converter "xhtml" "msdocx" "pandoc -o $$o $$i" "" \converter "xhtml" "odt lo" 
"pandoc -o $$o
$$i" "" ###

Hi Ranier,

I added these two lines to my preferences file and now I see to additional 
items in the Export
list, but I don't know how to use them. "Converter" implies feeding them xhtml 
files but all I
can see to do is to select them in the Export list which merely creates e.g. a 
.msdocx file,
whatever that is.

Sorry - forgotten, that I added the following format:

\format "msdocx" "docx" "Microsoft docx" "" "libreoffice" "libreoffice" 

So the .msdocx is a simple docx file, which got the extension because the format definition was not there.

Also, I played with pandoc a while back and its conversion of a very simple LyX 
file to Word was
not perfect. I went LyX -> LaTeX -> docx. I did not investigate setting options 
very much. I
recall that equations made the trip and were editable in Word 2011 (Mac) 
built-in equation
editor, but equation numbers were lost. Today's effort, also on a simple but 
different document,
LyX -> LaTeX -> docx, one equation was not typeset (only the markup appeared), 
a .eps file was
not found even though it was present, and section labels were translated as 
literal text.
Converting to .odt was worse, and at least once caused it to crash when it was 
attempting to
repair what it thought was a damaged converted file. (But what _doesn't_ cause 
LibreOffice to

I also tried to go the LyX -> LaTeX -> docx route, but the results were not as usable as via xhtml. So I would suggest to try the route via xhtml. You should try both converters (the build in and eLyXe), as they performed differently on different objects. As my document did not contain any equations, I can not comment on that.

I must say, that I also used pandoc to convert to odt and then converted the odt to docx with OpenOffice (this was before LibreOffice...) and it also worked well.

I can only suggest to try the different paths out and see which works best, and then post your experiences here and add them to http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/6042 so that there is some progress with pandoc support in LyX.




\converter "xhtml" "msdocx" "pandoc -o $$o $$i" "" \converter "xhtml" "odt lo" 
"pandoc -o
$$o $$i" ""added the following converter:

You have to play with the LyX xhtml or the eLyXer xhtml - I used LyXHTRML 
because it workded
better in my case.

I really think that pandoc should be detected automatically by LyX (when doing 
and added as it provides very usable conversions.




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