Ken, you are not the one doing the fixing. The ones doing the fixing are
the ones deserving of gratitude and the ones doing the real work, far more
than the ones reporting the bugs. Reporting bugs (politely) is always
appreciated. Reporting bugs while insulting, and trashing the *volunteer*
work and demanding "professionalism" from those who are providing you with
a free product (developed for free), is not appreciated.

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Ken Springer <> wrote:

> On 10/26/13 10:17 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
>> On Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:53:35 -0600
>> Ken Springer <> wrote:
>>  I'm not a programmer, learned many years ago that is not for me.  But
>>> I did contribute, for free, to writing the help files of a commercial
>>> program for a platform now long gone.
>>> But, as I wrote in
>>> news://**l4bi37$vh$<$vh$>,
>>> if I help by
>>> reporting bugs I find in a program, assuming that reporting is
>>> requested by developers, shouldn't there be some thanks shown by
>>> fixing the bug?
>> Depends.
>> Imagine a buddy, who is a skateboarder, asking you for a critique of
>> his style while doing tricks. Both of the following could be considered
>> "reporting a bug":
>> 1) I think you need to bend your knees more.
>> 2) No wonder you're always losing contests, falling down, and just
>>     generally screwing up. Your knees are straight. How unprofessional.
>> #1 garners a "thank you." #2 garners "what a douchebag!"
>> Thanks,
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt                *  
>> http://www.troubleshooters.**com/<>
>> Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance
> Not the same situation, Steve.  In both examples, fixing my friend's
> skateboard "bugs" result in a feature of his skateboarding that gives me
> something I can use.  :-)
> If I report a bug in a piece of software, fairly obviously it's something
> I use but is broken.  When the bug is squashed, then I and everyone else
> has something they can use.
> --
> Ken
> Mac OS X 10.8.5
> Firefox 24.0
> Thunderbird 17.0.8
> LibreOffice

Ernesto Posse

Modelling and Analysis in Software Engineering
School of Computing
Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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