On 10/31/13 8:28 AM, Stephan Witt wrote:
Am 31.10.2013 um 14:56 schrieb James Sutherland <james.sutherl...@utah.edu>:

I just started testing with Mavericks and haven't seen any trouble with LyX.

Sorry, slightly of topic, but…

I don't want to upgrade to Mavericks because of the crippled Sync-Services.
With Mavericks one cannot sync it's iPhone via USB-Port anymore.
You have to use your iCloud account at Apple to sync your contacts and 
I didn't find any alternate solution.

I don't own any iOS devices, so syncing is not important to me. It also means, improvements (which is a matter of opinion, of course) that helps OS and iOS communicate is unimportant to me. The two Mavericks features that interest me, the tabbed Finder and Tags, I already have in Mountain Lion via 3rd party software. And, I've read elsewhere of software/Mavericks issues.

So, I'm in no hurry to update, if at all.

All of you Apple users, you have no problem with this privacy attack?

Privacy issues are the reason I avoid any cloud involvement other than web browsing as much as I can. That's limited to shopping, online banking, and a Dropbox account where nothing personal is stored, no backups, nada. I use it as a pseudo FTP site for large files rather than try to email or "sumpin'". <G> My computers are networked, so I don't need it for transferring data between systems.



Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 24.0
Thunderbird 17.0.8

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