The Linux version of PuTTY works nicely with serial ports.

On Apr 27, 2017 17:31, "Paul Bucalo" <> wrote:

> Thanks, Jonathon. I'm good on diagrams--I still have the original manual,
> plus what I have scrounged through Club 100 and after-market books. At
> least I know 'your' diagram really works.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Yuen <>
> To: Model 100 Discussion <>
> Sent: Thu, Apr 27, 2017 2:23 pm
> Subject: Re: [M100] Questions regarding Full Null Modem Cables, specif
> Serial to USB
> Hello again,
> I found some notes and I hope it is the one I used:
> DB9 DB25
> Rx 2 Tx 2
> Tx 3 Rx 3
> Dtr 4 Dsr 6
> Gnd 5 Gnd 7
> Dsr 6 Dtr 20
> Rts 7 Cts 5
> Cts 8 Rts 4
> 1 8 I think I wrote DCD for this pin but I'm pretty sloppy writing.....
> Jonathan
> ________________________________________
> Från: M100 [] för Paul Bucalo [
> Skickat: den 27 april 2017 19:48
> Till:
> Ämne: Re: [M100] Questions regarding Full Null Modem Cables, specif Serial
> to USB
> I just did a search on eBay for a Belkin F3x171-10. Only listing that came
> up was selling for $50. Yeah, not going to happen. I'll look around to see
> if anyone sells the cable for a reasonable price, but chances are high I'll
> end up making up a DB25-to-DB9 cable set. I sure wish I hadn't thrown out
> the one I made years ago, back when I was actively working with my M100.
> Live and (probably never) learn.
> I'll give HTERM a try. I had forgotten about utf-8 coding. Thanks for the
> reminder.
> Thanks, John.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John R. Hogerhuis <>
> To: Model 100 Discussion <>
> Sent: Thu, Apr 27, 2017 1:23 pm
> Subject: Re: [M100] Questions regarding Full Null Modem Cables, specif
> Serial to USB
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 10:10 AM, Paul Bucalo <<mailto:pmbuc@
> <>>> wrote:
> I was hoping for a rationale based on experience, i.e., USB works well or
> not at all. Doesn't really matter much. Most likely I will make up a new
> cable using DB25-to-DB9.
> My favorite cable is the full-null belkin serial laplink cable, if you can
> find one. Never had a problem with any of them, ever. f3x171-10, but they
> are hard to find these days though they were very cheap for a while. To use
> with Model T, you need to have a db-25 gender changer.
> But generally, you need a full-null cable. I wouldn't go with 3 wire
> cables since you may want to experiment with hardware flow control (HTERM,
> my bare bones / dumb terminal to Linux) given that you hook to Linux which
> overruns the Model T 64-byte serial buffer when using software flow control.
> Also Linux utilities throw in UTF-8 and lots of formatting codes. HTERM
> maps to/from utf-8 and strips ANSI color escapes, stuff like that.
> One thing to be aware of is some cables bump into the Model100 case and
> keep it from mating properly. You may have to shave some off the housing to
> make it fit, or ideally find one that fits into the space available, after
> adding the thin-hood gender changer.
> USB on the PC side is fine. I recommend only devices with FTDI chipsets,
> however (not Prolific). The FTDI drivers generally allow more
> configurability which ends up being necessary with TS-DOS (TS-DOS loves to
> time-out... remember USB serial devices have a tendency to delay/collect
> bytes to "efficiently" send a larger packet).
> -- John.

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