Even better news.  I got the PC-8231A drive to format a new disk.  Had to
buy a pack of 10 new DSDD floppies.   So now this thing is fully functional
and I feel even better about the auction which included now both a working
CRT adapter and a drive.  The drive fully supports the reserved DSKI$ /
DSKO$ keywords in BASIC as well, not that there would be any software out
there that uses that these days though...

So now I have to ask myself, is it worth using?  Probably not.  Hardware
this old that has moving parts will inevitably fail at some point and the
last thing I need is to be heavily invested in it.  :)   Well, maybe if I
could get a flavor of CP/M working with it...  *snicker*

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Chris Fezzler <fezz...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the update!
> If anyone can restore that drive it will be you!
> ------------------------------
> On Mon Jul 03 2017 01:04:58 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time), Gary Weber <
> m100l...@gweber.org> wrote:
> To Chris,
> Good news and bad news.
> The good news:  The CRT adapter works great.
> The bad news:  The NEC disk drive that shipped as part of this auction
> lacks the system disk, and therefore there is nothing to boot.   Within my
> archives I have a PC-8231A system disk *somewhere*, and hopefully I can
> locate it.   Unfortunately part of the case for this drive is broken as
> well, so I'm hoping the drive itself would even still function given the
> abuse.   As this was an "as is" auction I of course accept all of this
> risk.  Happy to have a working CRT adapter again regardless..
> Gary
> On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Mike Stein <mhs.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *> ...it would likely be slow and limited to text only. The system bus or
> parallel port would be MUCH faster for this...*
> Well, there are SPI BT/BLE modules so speed to the ModelT side shouldn't
> be too bad, either using the bus or the parallel port...
> Alternatively, there are modules like this (VGA colour display *and*
> FAT-compatible SD card storage):
> https://www.4dsystems.com.au/ product/uVGA_III/
> <https://www.4dsystems.com.au/product/uVGA_III/>
> Of course before long you'd have lots of stuff hanging off the ModelT
> again...
> FWIW, here's what an M100 in 80x24 mode looks like (can't find a picture
> of 8x40 on a big screen TV at the moment):

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