the file menu is not great. half the time it segfaults, ok about 80% of
the time it segfaults on the actual load and the filenames can look a
bit weird. but i don't normally do much from the file menu anyway so it
wasn't a big deal for me.
i didn't expect a simple cast to work 100% of the time but googling the
"correct" way to handle the error looked really complicated and was C++
above my pay grade so I took the easiest way out.
bst rgrds
On 2/11/2018 4:15 AM, Jonathan Yuen wrote:
Did it run OK? More specifically, could you load a file? The reason I ask is
that I've played with that error in Flu_DND.cpp and while I can get it to
compile, and it sort of loads OK, but I get errors when I try and load a file.
Haven't really taken it any further.
Från: M100 [] för Russell Davis
Skickat: den 10 februari 2018 21:31
Till: Model 100 Discussion
Ämne: [M100] VirtualT patch (for Ken Pettit really)
I was building VirtualT yesterday using gcc 6.3.0 (the default on the
latest raspbian) and got a couple of warnings and errors. fixed them so
that VirtualT would compile cleanly. whether they are "correct" or not I
don't know but everything seems ok. In case anyone or Ken are interested
i've attached a patch file to this email
bst rgrds