Feel better now?   "8)   OK,  suit yourself.

On 8/21/18, Brian White <bw.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018, 8:16 PM John Gardner <gof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Brian,  here's an idea - How about junking the html so I can read
> your interesting posts without converting them to text files first...
> Just a suggestion - My 70-year-old eyesight would appreciate it.
> Ok, just remember who started this conversation...
> You have the burden of obligation and consideration backwards.
> Whatever validity of argument you might have had about violating
> traditional old standards in email, or about being considerate to others in
> formatting email, fell apart when you presented that argument in a
> top-post, and quoted the entire thread instead of only the relevant bit. ;)
> Not to mention, without a client that understands html, or at least mime,
> to supply metadata about such things as character encoding and font spacing
> type, then you are essentially expecting everyone in the world to have the
> same native default character encoding and font as you.
> My email is gmail, which, at least the standard Android app for it, does
> not offer any setting for composing in plain-text only, but, as has been
> mentioned, does apparently generate a multipart mime formatted mail with a
> plain-text part. Today, I don't think it's reasonable to ask someone else
> not to use gmail.
> If you are reading email in pine or mutt in 2018, well I applaud you, but I
> consider that your choice to self-flaggelate, not anyone else's reasonable
> obligation to cater to.
> --
> bkw

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