Sounds similar to the original IBM 5.25" format, single-sided, 512 
bytes/sector, 8 sectors/track, 40 tracks, 250Kbps.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stephen Adolph 
  Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 11:54 AM
  Subject: Re: [M100] question regarding floppy disks.

  when attached to a CoCo, you get 160k.

  On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 11:02 AM Kurt McCullum <> wrote:

    Yeah that does sound strange. And I agree, the drive 'should' switch based 
on the hole in the disk. Does it format to 720 or 1.44 when the hole is covered?

    On Mon, Mar 25, 2019, at 7:37 AM, Stephen Adolph wrote:

      Kurt, agree with everything you have said.

      The odd thing is-

      * using an HD disk in an DD/HD drive, and covering the hole with tape, 
would seem to be BAD

      ---> because you are telling the drive to use the wrong current settings 
for the actual disk media.

      However, this is apparently the way to make my system functional.

      so, strange.  I would have thought it would be the opposite - let the 
drive decide what current to use, matched to the "cookie".

      On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 10:19 AM Kurt McCullum <> wrote:

        The magnetic coercivity on HD disks is different than on regular disks. 
It requires more energy to lay down the tracks. If you start with a blank HD 
disk rather than a pre-formatted disk then you have a better chance. That's 
because once the HD tracks are laid down, you need to erase them for your new 
format. If your drive doesn't have enough energy to completely erase the 
existing track, it wont work. 720k disks have a lower coercivity and therefore 
work with either a 720k or 1.44mb drive. A 1.44 drive has a sensor for the open 
hole and when it sees that hole, it will use a higher level of write energy to 
properly work with the media. When that hole is covered, it will use a lower 
level which is what the 720k media is looking for. Though I do remember that 
formatting a 720k disk in a 1.44mb drive didn't always work when going back to 
a 720k drive. 

        Not sure about the Coco drive, but my TPDD2 does not work reliably with 
HD disks. I have only been able to format one properly and it had data failure 
shortly after.


        On Sun, Mar 24, 2019, at 6:32 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:


          Yes, if I take an HD disk, and tape over the hole to make it appear 
to be a DD disk, then it works.

          But why?

          the floppy is capable of both formats...

          On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 7:39 PM Mike Stein <> 

            Have you tried closing the HD sense hole with a piece of tape or 

              ----- Original Message -----

              From: Stephen Adolph


              Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2019 6:08 PM

              Subject: Re: [M100] question regarding floppy disks.

              the Coco is using it's standard controller

              When issuing the DSKINI 0 command the coco tries to format for 

              The combination of 

              (Coco, std controller, PC 1.44MB drive + a 720kB dd floppy) works


              (Coco, std controller, PC 1.44MB drive + a 1.44MBB hd floppy) 
does not work

              this is something I don't understand!

              On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 5:42 PM Gregory McGill 
<> wrote:

                likely the floppy controller doesn't support 80 tracks or high 
density..  most of the controllers of the era are ds/sd 40 track or dsdd 40 
track..   are you able to format 720k? ds/dd 80 track? 


                On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 2:38 PM Stephen Adolph 
<> wrote:

                  I'll start by saying this isn't an M100 or TPDD discussion, 
but just looking to understand something.

                  I have a Tandy Coco3 with a 3.5 inch floppy drive.  The drive 
is a standard PC drive and it is working well.

                  Seems though that I cannot use 1.44 MB floppies in that 
drive. They don't seem to want to format.

                  I really don't understand where the problem could be.

                  - the drive and the floppy are compatible

                  - the disk is known good and formats at 1.44MB in a PC

                  - if it can support 135 TPI, why can't it support 35 TPI?

                  Does anyone know what's going on?



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