On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 4:17 AM John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> This is the LONG standing policy of the list from before I got here, it
> has been the consensus forever and contributes to the positive atmosphere
> of the group.
> And I think it's the right thing to do.  Foul language doesn't make the
> group any more fun, and really upsets some of our more conservative
> members, people I like and respect and don't want to lose.
> So why mess with what works, and works for much longer than any of us have
> been members.
> I ask you to show some respect to the other members. If you can't, I'll
> ask you to leave.


As one of the people you're talking about who finds forums full of foul
language wearisome and avoids them, I have to say I'm puzzled by this
rule.  I was embarrassed to subscribe to this list because the name seems
designed to offend and filter out prudes. I dived in anyway and so far
found people quite respectful, wonderful even. I can't recall ever seeing
foul language used inappropriately. Other than, of course, the name of the
list itself.

Or, am I mistaken, and "Bitchin 100" is actually appropriate language
because it refers to a little known Disney prequel to "101 Dalmatians"? 😜


P.S. Even if it seems a bit askew to me, thank you for your attempt to set
a baseline, John. I know it's not fashionable in our modern solipsistic
society that decries "cancel culture!", "political correctness!", "virtue
signaling!" — but, *being polite* is fundamentally just about treating
other people, even ones different from ourselves, as mattering. We could
use more empathy in this world, not less.

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