On 7/23/20 6:35 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 1:43 PM B 9 <hacke...@gmail.com <mailto:hacke...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 4:17 AM John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com
    <mailto:jho...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    As one of the people you're talking about who finds forums full of
    foul language wearisome and avoids them, I have to say I'm puzzled
    by this rule.  I was embarrassed to subscribe to this list because
    the name seems designed to offend and filter out prudes. I dived in
    anyway and so far found people quite respectful, wonderful even. I
    can't recall ever seeing foul language used inappropriately. Other
    than, of course, the name of the list itself.



As in common surfer slang/hot rodder slang, not any nearby swear word. You're not alone, I have received complaints from a few people. But it's in the water now. Everyone here is apparently willing to tolerate it.

Yes, what's a swear is arbitrary. I can't really help that.

Even if we had an exhaustive list, how would it work?  I can't really make an onlist project of discussing a list of swears given they're banned. I can't really post it anywhere with the list because its existence would offend.

I think everyone knows what a swear word is. If you're considering a

I think it's obvious everyone does not have the same idea, and I definitely would have considered anything with "bitch" in it as more sweary than crap.

It is simply ridiculous for you to have a complaint about that word. And IF you ARE going to have such ridiculous and arbitrary rules, then they must be defined explicitly, and you can't rely on "I think everyone knows".

I think you know that the word is completely benign and G-rated, but now that you made a stink about it, you aren't willing to correct your error, going even so far as to try to say this above, that "bitchin'" is somehow not at exactly the same level as "crap". I agree that "bitchin" is also not profane or vulgar, exactly as "crap" isn't.



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