( fairly recent here, and still lurking a lot..  but i had to say something as its almost comical now   )    lol, "Bitchin" is also valley girl speak ( for those of us old enough to remember that phase ), with zero intent to offend.

But i agree with the others on the general subject.  Time and place for everything, forums like this are not the time or the place for being a jerk, be it language or attitude..

On 7/23/20 6:35 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 1:43 PM B 9 <hacke...@gmail.com <mailto:hacke...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 4:17 AM John R. Hogerhuis
    <jho...@pobox.com <mailto:jho...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    As one of the people you're talking about who finds forums full of
    foul language wearisome and avoids them, I have to say I'm puzzled
    by this rule.  I was embarrassed to subscribe to this list because
    the name seems designed to offend and filter out prudes. I dived
    in anyway and so far found people quite respectful, wonderful
    even. I can't recall ever seeing foul language used
    inappropriately. Other than, of course, the name of the list itself.



As in common surfer slang/hot rodder slang, not any nearby swear word. You're not alone, I have received complaints from a few people. But it's in the water now. Everyone here is apparently willing to tolerate it.

Yes, what's a swear is arbitrary. I can't really help that.

Even if we had an exhaustive list, how would it work?  I can't really make an onlist project of discussing a list of swears given they're banned. I can't really post it anywhere with the list because its existence would offend.

I think everyone knows what a swear word is. If you're considering a close call and want to discuss it to avoid a note from the censor, bring it up with me off list.

Otherwise, just pretend like you're Opey Taylor.

-- John.

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