Hi all...

If you're a sucker with "poor solder-sucker" RS desoldering braid,

try putting a little flux on the braid before use...


On 8/19/20, B 9 <hacke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 7:58 PM Joshua O'Keefe <maj...@nachomountain.com>
> wrote:
>> Given that my T is something I use almost daily that brings me a great
>> deal of enjoyment and utility I consider the effort having been
>> worthwhile
>> even though it changed nothing about its behavior.  If nothing else, it
>> will live longer.
> Thank you, that's a good point that I forget.  All capacitors are supposed
> to have a finite service lifetime, right? I'm not sure, but it looks like
> 5,000 hours is typical and 8,000 is considered "good". If you use your
> model T for eight hours a day, except weekends, the capacitors would be
> shot within four years.  … wait, I just double-checked before sending this
> and learned about the "Arrhenius equation".
> [image: image.png]
> Manufacturers rate capacitors at the *maximum* temperature (105°C), and the
> lifetime doubles for every 10°C reduction in ambient temperature. I don't
> think Model T's run very hot — has anybody measured? — so maybe we can
> expect them to live quite a bit longer.
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 3:59 AM Josh Malone <josh.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> [...] That said, console5 is a reputable supplier and if you have the
>> experience and tools to recap the machine entirely, it probably won't
>> hurt.
> When I was in school, I was taught that *“Experience is directly
> proportional to the amount of equipment destroyed.”*  I have not yet
> destroyed enough equipment by desoldering, so I'll probably hold off on
> recapping.
>> [...] people damaging the machine because they don't know how to do the
>> replacement properly (improper dwell times, wrong temps, clipping leads
>> and
>> soldering to existing joints), or use poor tools (unregulated irons, poor
>> solder suckers).
> For desoldering, dwell time should be low and temp should be high, right?
> I've got a regulated iron, but the desoldering braid I got from Radio-Shack
> is so bad, it might as well have been labelled "this is a poor solder
> sucker, but if you pay money for it, you'll be one too!"
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:24 AM Gregory McGill <arcadeshop...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I sell the same kit in my store
> Thanks! I always prefer to shop from people I "know", even if only from
> seeing them on mailing lists. For anyone searching, here's the link:
> https://www.arcadeshopper.com/wp/store/#!/model-100-102-capacitor-kit/p/139509791/category=28313042
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 9:28 AM Jeffrey Birt <bir...@soigeneris.com> wrote:
>> I generally don’t recommend recapping any piece of vintage gear as a
>> matter of course unless it has a history of cap problems or there is
>> signs
>> of leaking or other failures. As others have said many times folks make
>> things worse by trying to install new capacitors without the proper tools
>> or experience to do so. [...]
> Thank you. That's good advice! I enjoy watching your videos, by the way.
> If I’m doing a Model 100/102 for someone else I will more than likely recap
>> it as the parts are cheap and the M100 is known for leaking caps.
> Do you know if the Tandy 200 had similar problems?
> —b9

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