The Serial to WiFi bridge that I use with my 102 (and occasionally used on the Amiga until I got a gurunet adapter) is the WiModem232. It emulates a Hayes-compatible modem, but the uplink is a TCP connection rather than a phone line. I have struggled to make TPDD emulation reliable over this link even with what I believe is impeccable network quality (partially due, I think, to port speed fallback in TS-DOS) but it is delightful for other purposes. I found it very easy to set up, and it can run off a small portable USB battery or any other 5V mini-USB (note: not micro! I had to dig for a cable!) source you have. Somewhere around here I have a terminfo file that seems more or less complete for the capabilities of the 100 console. I've tested it on my friendly local Linux box and it worked fairly well. Because of the slowness of the LCD, you need to keep port speed fairly low or risk overruns.