Model T software compatibility requires 6 additional control codes beyond
what is implemented in VT100.

Agreed it isn't VT100.

If you want to use the integrated "DVI" functionality (maybe VT100 driver
is a bad name)  then you need the screen solution to handle the special ESC
codes.  See below.

Anyways my idea is to make an "extended VT100 terminal" as a windows /
linux application.  It would be a DVI work alike, and disk basic could
drive it correctly.  Today, without the extra escape codes, you just can't
display the screen correctly for TEXT and BASIC.


 ; escape code mappings
   ;                            ModelT          extended        Stock VT100
   ;                            ------          --------        -----------
   ;    double ESC trap         X               eliminated in VT100 driver.
   ;    home                    0BH                             [H
   ;    cls                     0CH                             [2J + [H
   ;    lock line 8             T               [T
   ;    unlock line 8           U               [U
   ;    lock scroll             V               [V
   ;    unlock scroll           W               [W
   ;    turn on cursor          P                               [?25h
   ;    turn off cursor         Q                               [?25l
   ;    delete line@cursor      M               [M              
   ;    insert blank line       L               [L
   ;    erase to EOL            K                               [K
   ;    set reverse char        p                               [7m
   ;    reset reverse char      q                               [0m
   ;    cursor up               A                               [A
   ;    cursor down             B                               [B
   ;    cursor right            C                               [C
   ;    cursor left             D                               [D
   ;    erase to end of page    J                               [J
   ;    set cursor location     Y,c,r                           [<v>;<h>f
   ;    cls                     E                               [2J + [H        
   ;    cls                     j                               [2J + [H        
   ;    erase current line      I                               [2K
   ;    vertical tab            H                               [H

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 2:58 PM John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 11:44 AM Stephen Adolph <>
> wrote:
>> I am actually thinking about exactly that, a new VT100 app that
>> implements the custom M100 control codes, and takes serial data.
>> Was thinking to use the VirtualT framework to do it also.
> VT100 is an industry standard so I don't know about M100 control codes. I
> think you had mentioned something about arrow keys being different in the
> current implementation. Which control codes are you referring to? The whole
> set of Model 100 escapes?
> Which is fine... that's one way to go and it can be implemented exactly.
> It just isn't VT100.
> The other issue is encoding and fonts. HTERM does this mapping on the
> Model T side, which makes it compatible with any shell/terminal. But you
> could also do a mapping to Unicode on the terminal side. Then you could
> use off-the-shelf fonts.
> Another way to go would be to render the display completely yourself with
> graphics based on the Model 102 character set. Then you could get very high
> fidelity.
> As to VT, it's just a terminal, so you don't need 99% of what VT does. And
> what VT does do that you need, like rendering the display, has to pass
> through the Model T ROM and 8085 emulation. And it's limited to 40x8. Seems
> like it creates more problems than it solves. Just displaying character
> bitmaps to the screen is a simpler task.
> -- John.

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