Thanks Jonathan, very cool. Stitching it together like that is a nice
combination of solutions.

So this is more representative-
M100 (with VT100 driver) --->
RS-232--->MVT100--->VGA---->converter--->HDMI ---->video capture -->

This might be possible with a new app (like a VT100 terminal app + 6 custom
ESC codes)-
M100 (with VT100 driver) --->  RS-232--->FTDI --> USB--->tablet

This is also a possibility, with a new application (like a VT100 terminal
app + 6 custom ESC codes) -
M100 (with VT100 driver) --->  RS-232--->PC
M100 (with VT100 driver) --->  RS-232--->FTDI --> USB--->PC

This being the 'standard' MVT100 adapter approach-
M100 (with VT100 driver) --->  RS-232--->MVT100-->VGA--> VGA monitor

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