> -----Original Message-----
> A couple of issues were identified and addressed in both REX# and
> REXCPM, and updates are posted.  I have done a fair bit of testing on
> these changes as well as just general use.  As always bug reports are
> valuable thanks.

I finally got a chance to install this on my REXCPM a few nights ago, and 
although I haven't done a ton of testing, I have been moving between RAM images 
a fair bit and the issues I had with the previous build are resolved.  Also no 
sign of the line24/scroll lock issue moving in and out of M100/CPM modes.  My 
images are sorted by time/date too!  :)  So I guess if you never did get around 
to looking at that backup image I sent you, there's little point anymore.

I'm really really REALLY loving having the VT100/DVI functionality built-in 
now!  No more of the following dance:

- change to a new RAM image
- Ctrl-X to unload
- VT100.CO
- SETIME.BA (reset time and date)
- oops, I need something from another RAM image... rinse and repeat...

I need to build some new muscle memory to use Ctrl-A because I keep finding 
myself cursoring to (or typing) RXCMGR and while I'm doing so I remember 
there's a hotkey now.  :)  OTOH, if I get *too* used to it I'll be hitting it 
on all my other machines with REX Classic and wondering why they are broken...


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