I'll look into this when I get a chance Peter. I have not forgotten but thanks 
for the reminder.


On Wed, Mar 3, 2021, at 10:50 AM, Peter Vollan wrote:
> FYI my problem persists, despite installing python 3.5
> On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 17:16, John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 4:57 PM Jim Anderson <jim.ander...@kpu.ca> wrote:
>>>  It's easy to forget that when you're just starting out with this machine
>> No, I get it. It's complicated. We've lost multiple newbie's coming to the 
>> list. One guy, "Dunebuggy" departed the list informing us that he had ripped 
>> all the wires out of his Model 100 and thrown it away, not able to get file 
>> transfer going.
>> That said, bootstrap is typically complicated no matter what! If you don't 
>> have a ROM or REX solution for running TS-DOS, I think TEENY is worth the 
>> time to figure out.
>> And you can use it to load DOS100.CO <http://dos100.co/>, so, it seems like 
>> the best of both worlds.
>> BTW, another way to inject TEENY is by playing an audio file from an MP3 
>> player or phone. That works, if you have the right file. 
>> CLOAD, or CLOADM, doesn't get easier than that.
>> Anyone have a known good TEENY audio file? Of course you will need a 
>> cassette cable, and we all have audio playback devices. Any computer or 
>> smart phone should do.
>> -- John.

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