On 3/3/21 1:50 PM, Peter Vollan wrote:
FYI my problem persists, despite installing python 3.5

I haven't seen an answer to either mine or others questions that would nail down that the the installed 3.5 is actually what the script is using. Merely installing a package doesn't guarantee anything.

You're symptoms are unusual, and so it needs debugging on your end if you want it to work. You have to investigate and verify things that are usually just assumed and handled automatically.

When you type "mcomm" is it really running the file you and I and everyone assumes it is?

$ which mcomm

ok good, next, look at that file. The problem sytax occurs right in that file, not later in the real program file, so *that* file needs to be executed by a python 3.5 or later executable.

And that file is executed by whatever is on it's shebang line, which is "/usr/bin/python3", point being, not just "python3", so, you can verify the interpreter for that file a couple different ways. You can look at "/usr/bin/python3",

$ ls -l /usr/bin/python3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Oct  6 06:28 /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.8

$ /usr/bin/python3 --version
Python 3.8.6

Or you could also add a print statement to show the python version.
Insert this line after the import lines and before the subprocess.call() line:


Or, better yet, the problem syntax occurs right in the top level wrapper script, and that entire line really isn't necessary, the entire script doesn't even need to be python. You could replace the entire contents with this simpler sh version:

exec python3 /usr/share/mcomm/mcomm.py "$@"

What happens when you do that?


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