On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 4:28 PM John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 4:00 PM B 9 <hacke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wonder when the last book for Model T tinkerers was published? So much
>> new knowledge has been found since then.
>> The best books I've seen are
> Inside The Model 100 (Oppedahl)
> Hidden Powers of the TRS-80 Model 100 (Morgan)

Oppedahl's "Inside the M100"
<https://archive.org/details/InsideTheTrs80Model100> (1985) definitely
looks like a good book to read. I got a glimpse of it recently when I was
searching for a better description of the attribute flag in the RAM
Directory. (Side note: I notice that Carl Oppedahl now apparently runs a
patent/trademark/copyright law firm that still sells his book
<https://shop.oppedahl.com/?product=inside-the-model-100>, first published
in 1985! Unfortunately, they don't ship to my location.)

I haven't read Morgan's "Hidden Powers
<https://archive.org/details/HiddenPowersOfTheTrs80Model100>" (1984), yet,
but I recognize that cover. And I remember now trying to read it. I think I
got bogged down at the very start where he says, “First, type in these five
pages of code so we'll have a disassembler”. I wandered off to look for a
disassembler for my Tandy 200 and never came back.

While Tips, Peeks, and Pokes
>> <https://archive.org/details/ProgrammingTipsPeeksAndPokesForTheTandyPortableComputers/>
>> (Anderson, 1985) can't be said to be coherent, it is a carefully curated
>> collection of short, non-obvious tips, expressed succinctly.
>> I've never read it, I will have to check it out.

I found it useful, but I'm starting from a very different place than you.
Also, I should warn you, it's not very pretty to look at. I don't know how
you feel about line printer text, but it appears Anderson may have actually
written, formatted, and printed his book on a Model 100. You can read it


> Yeah I've been thinking about writing something. It would mostly be a
> research project. And there's a lot I don't know, and a lot that only a few
> ever knew.
> How about
> "TRS-80 Model 100 Pet Tricks: Rediscovering The Lost Dark Art of
> Performant BASIC and ML Programming"

Sign me up for the pre-order. I'd read anything titled that!
(Although, I admit I had a brief moment of cognitive dissonance trying to
figure out what the Commodore PET computer had to do with the Model T.)



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