for DVI use, is that intended for 40 columns?
Is there a way you could put in a switch to enable 80 column mode?


On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 8:15 PM <>

> Hi all,
> As previously mentioned, I have been working on Text Sweeper again. I've
> made a bunch of changed behind the scenes, but the things that will be
> noticeable to you:
>    - Slight graphical changes.
>    - Better mine generation for denser minefield.
>    - Controls can be seen by pressing H
>    - WASD is supported as an alternative to the arrow keys.
>    - You cannot accidentally click a flagged cell.
>    - If you click a cell with a Number. If the flags surrounding that
>    cell equal the number, it will open the non flagged cells (Be careful :D )
>    - If you accidentally press LABEL, the screen will fix itself
> Everything is on github.
> There are probably still a ton of bugs I didn't find, so let me know if
> you find any.
> Enjoy,
> George

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