" TPDD uses 9600 and 19200 reliably only because it operates in small
packets and no screen updates."

TPDD drives and emulator file services work with no flow control at high
speeds because of the half duplex, request/response nature of the TPDD
protocol... it's client driven, and the client is either requesting or
focused solely on receiving the response to the last request. The server
never sends more than about 128 bytes, and never unbidden.

Since the client is driving (as opposed to the server which could easily
blast the 100 with an entire file in some other protocol), the responses
are small and the client isn't really doing anything else while receiving
the response. It will never be overrun.

Of course that's very inefficient. Only one half of a two way channel is
ever in use. And it's constantly starting and stopping.

Consider a protocol like zmodem... the peer can adapt to a fast receiver
and stream an entire file as one packet.

-- John.


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