Hey Jesse - congrats on getting the model T! They make great packet
stations for sure. The issue you are describing sounds like a flow control
one. Depending on what TNC you are using you should be able to activate
XON/XOFF. On my old Timewave I think the command is XFLOW ON.

Then just ensure that you have flow control enabled in TERM with STAT 88N1D
(For 9600 bps) and you should be good to go.

Great to see other amateurs on the list and I know you are going to love
the M100 as a tool. My club used them and the LOGBA program for field day
this year and it worked out fantastic. Can't beat that screen and battery

73 - DE KW4KB


On Sun, Jul 9, 2023 at 6:20 PM Jesse Bertier <berti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First time getting my hands on a model T.  I am attempting to connect to a
> TNC at 9600 baud.  I have both matched for 8,N,1 and 9600 baud.  TNC works
> with other PCs.  I’m using TELCOM and set the parameters correctly.  What
> happens at 9600 baud is the text coming into the m100 is garbled mostly and
> on occasion some valid words come across.  When I set both to 300 baud,
> works perfectly.   It seems to be problematic if there’s a solid block of
> text coming in, like a string of 20-30 words for example.
> Before I dig into the problem with the service manual and get out the
> scope, does anyone know if these are supposed to work well at 9600 or up to
> 19,200 ?  Or, does the buffer or machine get overloaded at higher rates?
> Is TELCOM the issue?
> Sent from my iPhone

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